Finance Case Study #5

Home Loan Case Study

We recently worked with a client who was in need of a refinance solution. They wanted a better interest rate and also wanted to obtain some cash for personal use.

Our clients faced zoning issues; the location of their property was problematic as it was zoned as residential/industrial. Our clients had tried to obtain a competitive rate but were finding it difficult as not many lenders were willing to accept the location of their property.

We were able to organise an upfront valuation to review with lenders and our brokers managed to secure a refinance product with My State.

The clients were very relieved that they no longer had to remain with their previous lender and their new mortgage loan is at a significantly lower rate.

WhiteStar Brokers helped these clients achieve the following:

  • Assisted in refinancing to a new lender and obtaining cash out
  • Helped our client save 1% per annum

This case study demonstrates that not all brokers are the same. Knowledge and experience can go along way in helping clients find solutions, not just loans.

The WhiteStar Team have over 20 years’ experience and can help your clients go further with their finances. Read our reviews.