Dispute resolution

Complaint and Dispute Resolution Guide

The directors, managers and staff of WhiteStar Group and associated companies understand that, although we do our best to provide you with a high level of service, you may at times feel that there are issues that have not been resolved to your satisfaction. At this point you may feel dissatisfied but are unsure how to have your complaint resolved.

So that clients have the opportunity to make these complaints known, we have developed a Complaint and Dispute Resolution Procedure as an additional service to clients, free of charge.

This means:

  • You have a way of having your complaint addressed;
  • Management will be aware of the issue that is of concern to you; and
  • Procedures and products can be adjusted, where appropriate, to improve our services.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is a verbal or written expression of dissatisfaction by a client about a product or service provided by one of the WhiteStar Group of Companies.

What is a Dispute?

A dispute arises if you make a complaint to WhiteStar Group about a product or service, and are not satisfied with the response that you receive and wish to pursue the matter further.

Complaint and Dispute Resolution Steps

Outlined below is the process to follow in relation to complaints with the following companies which are a part of WhiteStar Group.

Members of the WhiteStar Group include: Interlink Group Pty Ltd, ABN: 32 062 722 632; Finance Selection Services Pty Ltd, ABN: 34 077 188 517; WhiteStar Finance Pty Ltd, ABN: 13 085 123 539 Australian Credit LIcence 383519; Axcelerator Pty Ltd, ABN: 85 103 853 023; WhiteStar Car Loans Pty Ltd ABN: 65 093 403 582 CCR 549035, WhiteStar Property Management Pty Ltd, ABN: 98 101 515 842, Real Estate Licence number: 072495L; WhiteStar Property Pty Ltd ABN: 60 111 524 479 Real Estate Licence Number 088697L, WhiteStar Conveyancing Pty Ltd ABN: 74 084 035 530 License Number 001723L

1. How to make a complaint

In most circumstances, your complaint can be settled to your satisfaction by simply making us aware of it. You can raise your complaint with our staff personally by telephone, or in an email to info@whitestar.com.au or via the “contact us” form located on our website. If a staff member is unable to handle the matter, it will be referred to a more senior or experienced person. In the majority of cases, your complaint will be dealt with promptly and to your satisfaction.

2. Registering your complaint

If your complaint cannot be resolved to your satisfaction by our staff personally, you may request to have your complaint referred to the Complaints Officer who will register your complaint and advise you of our process to deal with your complaint. You can also contact the Complaints Officer directly to register your complaint, as follows:

Internal Dispute Resolution

If you are unhappy with our services, please contact us first as follows:

Marina Meldrum as the Complaints Officer – WhiteStar Group

Telephone: 1300 652 842 or (03) 8514 4200
Email: info@whitestar.com.au
Website: www.whitestar.com.au
Post: 2/1090 Wellington Road Rowville Vic 3178

3. Investigation

So that the Complaints Officer can properly investigate your complaint, we may need to collect some information from you. We will ask that you provide details to us in writing.

4. We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 business days

If your complaint cannot be resolved within 5 business days. We will keep you updated on the progress and, if resolution takes longer than 5 business days, we shall provide you with a written response no later than 30 days from the date of the registered complaint. If resolution cannot be achieved within 30 days, we will provide a written explanation as to the reason.

5. Disputes:

Complaints which are not resolved to the satisfaction of the client become disputes.

External Dispute Resolution Schemes:

WhiteStar Finance Pty Ltd and WhiteStar Car Loans Pty Ltd are registered with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).

If an issue has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority, or AFCA. AFCA provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers.

Telephone: 1800 931 678 (free call)
Email: info@afca.org.au
Website: www.afca.org.au
In writing to: Australian Financial Complaints Authority GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001

Complaints Pertaining to WhiteStar Property Pty Ltd or WhiteStar Property Management Pty Ltd

WhiteStar Property Pty Ltd & WhiteStar Property Management Pty Ltd are licensed real estate agencies.  If you have a complaint that has not been attended to by WhiteStar Property or WhiteStar Property Management, please refer your complaint to Consumer Affairs Victoria www.consumer.vic.gov.au or on 1300 558 181.

Complaints Pertaining to WhiteStar Conveyancing
WhiteStar Conveyancing Pty Ltd is a licensed Conveyancer. If you have a complaint that has not been attended to by WhiteStar Conveyancing, please refer your complaint to Consumer Affairs Victoria www.consumer.vic.gov.au or on 1300 558 181.