Finance Case Study #3

Home Loan Case Study

We would like to share a recent client case study with you.

One of our brokers Joanne recently worked with a family who wished to purchase their very first home.

The family had been renting for many years. The son was self-employed and earning a healthy income. He was taking care of his parents and his father was a Veteran receiving a pension.

The WhiteStar team was able to make this family’s dreams come true by sourcing a home loan with a leading lender.

WhiteStar Brokers helped these clients achieve the following:

  1. Home loan with a self-employed income and pension
  2. Purchase their first home
  3. Secure a home loan with a leading lender

Knowledge and experience can go a long way in helping clients find solutions, not just loans.

The WhiteStar Team have over 20 years’ experience and are always there to listen to your goals and find solutions to help get you there. Read our reviews.

For more information, get in touch with one of our expert mortgage brokers. Achieve your financial goal with WhiteStar Group