Finance Case Study #9

Home Loan Case Study

People with multiple loans consolidate and refinance to free up cash flow.

Recently, one of our smart clients decided it would be wise to look at refinancing and consolidating some debts. They were outlaying over $3,900 in repayments each month and knew they needed to tidy up their finances before it was too late. And so, they approached one of our expert brokers.

By doing the sums and drawing on her in-depth knowledge of current lending options out in the marketplace, our broker was able to find a solution that brought the client’s payments down to just $2,345 per month.

This boosted our client’s cash flow by over $360 per week – that’s over $18,800 per year!

Is it time for you to review your financial position and potentially save thousands as well?

Check out your solutions and take control today by chatting to a WhiteStar Broker. The sooner you call, the sooner we could be getting money back into your pocket.